Joyall News
London - United Kingdom. 23 October, 2021
The world faces numerous challenges, none more pressing than our own personal health and wellness. Joyall partnering with Synergistas is a relationship of shared values. Synergistas is focused on driving improved health and wellness into less affluent communities and is supported by global health brands such as Siemens Healthineers and NGOs, like Mexico based Cluster Medico Jalisco. Joyall seeks to entertain people whilst delivering valuable messaging and rewarding positive player behaviour.
Joyall and Synergistas first joint venture explores the health needs of Mexico, working with district councils and major employers, where outside influences on diet have turned traditional eating habits into an obesity epidemic. The partnership sees Synergistas delivering healthcare and wellness services to the people of Mexico through mobile clinics, whilst Joyall attends to serving messages around positive eating habits, encouraging healthy swap-outs in diet, exercising and being aware of symptoms. Joyall will work closely with Synergistas and its supporters to attract reward providers offering healthy foods and access to fitness facilities.
“To be able to use games, content and rewards to help improve a person’s life is the pinnacle of my vision for Joyall” says Matt Jones, Founder and CEO of Joyall. “Our focus on casual games is key to supporting the mental health of players by lowering stress through simple yet sufficiently challenging ways to distract the mind. With an engaged audience receptive to content, and the promise of rewards, means we can support messages for leading a healthier lifestyle.”
Synergistas co-founder Katrin Sirach says “we knew we were facing a challenge of asking people to not only change their lifestyle, but to stay focused and maintain the changes they make.” Katrin’s partner, co-founder Elisa Frenz, goes on to say “we knew it would require gamification, but we were unsure ‘how’ until we learnt about Joyall. Joyall’s platform is exactly what we need to help achieve our goals.”
Joyall is a market-first Loyalty Experience Platform that brings brands and their customers together to interact in new ways. Through the Joyall app, brands have the opportunity to capture the attention of the people playing mobile games for as many as 7-hours a week.
Joyall is currently developing their self-service platform that will let brands manage their own games, content and rewards and create meaningful and targeted interactions with customers, informed by rich analytics. On the platform, companies will enjoy full control of their brand, assets and data and have a variety of options to express their creativity. Partners, such as Synergistas, harness this creativity in abundance, using the platform to provide their clients with a brand new digital channel that entices their customers with new and heightened value experiences, offering real-world rewards.
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About Joyall
Joyall Ltd is a first-of-its-kind Loyalty Experience Platform provider that offers brand-immersive casual games and content with real-world rewards. Based in the UK, Joyall operates at a unique juncture of game publishing, brand engagement and customer loyalty. By creating branded casual games, Joyall provides a cost-effective media platform capable of hooking customers in for hours a week, to casually consume branded content that drives deep customer engagement, and rewards positive loyal behaviours.
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Synergistas believes in co-creating a better planet based on global sustainability and profitable innovation across teams, organisations, sectors and borders. For Synergistas, innovation is the profitable combination of existing knowledge, resources and technologies for progress and development for the benefit of all. Synergistas work is inspired and guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals initiated by the United Nations & the European Green Deal.
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